Printing In All The Hard Areas Of Mugs - Inside Them, we print INside the mugs!

Custom Printed Mugs

We print where no-one else does!

Printing on mug bottoms INside and OUTside mug bottoms. We also custom print mug handles and underneath handles too.

Call 1 855 410 8797 ext 1

Print bottom and handle and under the handle
Print Handle & Under the Handle
We get all kinds of "sayings" for mug bottom printing
"You did it wrong" inside the mug bottom
Jumbo Mug Printed Name On Handle also Inside Mug
Jumbo Mug Printed Name On Handle also Inside Mug
Printing Bottoms of Mugs
Printing INside and OUTside Mug bottoms
USS America Assault Ship Captains Printed Mug
USS America Assault Ship Captains Printed Mug

Author and Miracles (real miracles) go hand in hand with Tony Myers.

And nothing like holding in your hand your own customized printed mug, as you see here with your favorite hot drink.

Testimony of our amazing printed mugs, they are amazing for two reasons:

  1. They are custom printed on the inside of the mug as well as both bottoms (inside & outside) and on the handle too (Nobody does this...nobody).
  2. Because our customers say they are amazing!

Here is  Author and Teacher Tony Myers giving his shout out to Paris Group Inc (us) about his personalized mug, that we made for him.

Tony wrote on his Facebook page:
"My awesome porcelain mug! Today I got in my new mug and one for Deb as well. Who in the world can print inside a mug... Paris Group that's who! I did the designs (two of my designs are actually two of my tattoos) Then on the outside I have our pets. They did such a fantastic job!"
Tony Myers author of many books and weekly podcaster loves his custom printed personalized JUMBO mug
Tony Myers author of many books and weekly podcaster loves his custom printed personalized JUMBO mug
Tony Myers Mug With Inside Mug Printed Both On The Inside wall of the mug and inside bottom of the mug
Tony Myers Mug With Inside Mug Printed Both On The Inside wall of the mug and inside bottom of the mug
The Mugs Were Printed With Photos Of HIs Pets Through The Years
The Mugs Were Printed With Photos Of HIs Pets Through The Years
Tony custom printed Jumbo mug this with his pets he had over life also inside printing and handle printed too

Tony Myers is an author of many books and has his own Youtube podcast for many years. But what makes Tony an extra special Author and Podcaster is that he is the only person that has been healed of the death sentence of ALS or more commonly known as "Lou Gehrig's disease".

This could not have been done with any drug or surgery or supplement, as nothing can stop the ticking death bomb and body shut-down of ALS.

Tony and this is 100% documented and verified by the US Army, which Tony was in for 10 years, as an atheist. Having been severely punished in his upbringing and church, brought him in a direct hate for God and an abandonment of God.

This tough Army Vet and Atheist was now destined for life and probably a short one at that. Confined and bound by his useless and lifeless body, slumped in a wheelchair and an overhanging death sentence.

Until he heard the voice of God inside himself but strong and persistent.  He ignored it because it CANT BE GOD because he doesn't exist!

"GET UP AND WALK" there, he heard it again and pushed it away...and yet again "GET UP AND WALK..." insistently and patiently calling him.

Impossible - he thought.

We ALL thought it is impossible.

He had no strength in his body, he couldn't even digest food, he was a virtual and soon for real - dead man

Again the voice pushed him and repeated saying : "GET UP AND WALK"... in fear and confusion he tried to get up and miracle upon miracles he actually did, as an unknown strength and stability slowly but surely and I tell you it was very real, took over.

Now today years and years later, he has seen thousands also come to their own healing just by believing that if God can do it to a stubborn atheist he can do it for me too.

Tony's Mugs Printed On The Handles
     Mugs Printed On The Handles With Names


To see and read about true miracles check out Tony Myers books on Amazon.

The Lord Jesus Healed Me: The Journey of an Atheist to the Truth by Tony Myers

The Lord Jesus Healed Me: The Journey of an Atheist to the Truth
by Tony Myers


Also check out Tony's weekly podcast.

On YouTube and Rumble also

GAN the Grace Awakening Network On Roku
GAN the Grace Awakening Network On Roku




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Want to design your own mug(s) printed on the handle or printed mug bottoms? You can make your own and print your own custom mugs all with no minimum order and full color/colour.

Simply use the "SendthisFile" (above) box to add your files and then in the message area, please add your contact name/phone and address otherwise we would have to delete your files - because we need to know who you are and what you need! Then we can make you, printed mugs and print IN mugs like you have NEVER seen before!

 Upload To Us (See Above) Email Us or Call and get designing your own mug now!   

416 410 8797 ext. 1